A very effective facial (and body) exfoliant.
This mix of rice grains (used in Japan for cleansing and smoothing the skin) and baking soda, reknowned for its mildy abrasive cleansing properties, is particularly suitable for oily skin.
If you cannot obtain soap crystals they may be left out, but the scrub will not lather.
2T (30mls) baking soda
2T (30mls) ground rice (you can buy it ground or do it yourself in a small coffee grinder)
1t (5mls) soap crystals (optional)
1t (5mls) finely grated lemon peel
To make
All ingredients in this recipe are dry so they may be mixed together and stored for a fairly long time (baking soda is a natural preservative).
To use
The rough texture of this scrub means it will remove dead skin cells, leaving you with fresh and clean skin. Apply in small handfuls and vigorously rub into areas of the fave until the soap lathers up. Dry your face with a soft towel and gently apply moisturiser if required.
My notes:
My skin is dry to normal, and I found this formula fine. Used once a week you can be assured of silky smooth skin.
I did not use soap crystals and found it perfectly fine. I simply wet my fingers and pressed them into the mixture and gently rubbed it onto my skin.
Stored in a pretty jar, this feels a treat to use.
Source: Recipes for Natural Beauty; Katie Spiers
Thanks for the info...I love homemade skin care!
What a nice idea. I'd love to give up my dependency on my exfoliant.
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